Monday, 8 September 2014


Hey blog viewers and friends  , here a short post from me where i have wrote before i left my previous company. Its just a fun writing feel free and enjoy reading .

The days gone by its time so say goodbye
this  not a goodbye but a “see you later” from I
Isn’t it irony why ?
Because it’s really time to say goodbye .
Changes in life it could be pleasant
where I am innocent to accept this present
for me to change my life present
Which gave me to leave for a reason.

saying goodbye it’s not hard
while I present you this with my heart
for those who really work hard ,remember to play hard
and I do really thanks team  for the help when i fall apart.

Well Its time to say Good bye
where you know the reasons why ,
and this this is not a lie
Because The Days Gone By its my time to say goodbye

Best Regards,
Ke wei

Happy rerading my blog