Saturday, 14 June 2014

Past glance by

Evening bloggers and viewers , friends and family. Today just a small event happen to me and below explains what had happen and happened today .

Monday, 9 June 2014

Living patiently

Evening bloggers , viewers , family and friends ,what had you read on my "once was waiting" it was my past ,and this post its about how and whats happening now and its still on going.Where living in a normal life passing by just like what normal people do. What happen have happened but we do still live , live patiently.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Once Was Waiting

Good day all bloggers and viewers ,well if you read my previous post its about how time heals and my past,and now  i'm gonna spill you some of my past to you all in this little short  poem.Which show whats my past that made me have to heal from the past.


My life turned  to rust and become dust
Where i  was waiting for the first and last
seeing you where there is no rush and fuss
until one day i was never becoming the last

Because you are what my life revolves around
even though you knock me to the ground
and i had stand back up to see
just how beautiful the chase can be ,

You know i have seen it in my dream
as my heart rocks on to balance the beam
You know i am once awaiting 
yet you made me not to believe in. 

Every story has a beginning , a middle , and end
you know which chapter where i am
Because  i show you where  I am
But you never know whats had been waiting around the bend.